James Franco, James Edward Franco, actor, family tree, ancestry, genealogy, heritage, ethnicity, dna, parents, mother, father, brother, grandparents, portuguese, latino, portugal, jewish, russian, swedish, douglas franco, betsey verne, daniel franco, marjorie peterson, daniel verne, verovitz, marjorie levine, fidel castro, cuban |
UPDATE: 08/13/2022 Bill Maher talks about ridiculous John Leguizamo. He noted that "John played a Venetian, a little person and a fictional Italian plumber." He also played a drag queen. Good quotes, "Can trans actors only play trans actors because that's not gonna be a good deal for them." "A black George Washington in Hamilton" (black playing white) which we all know was very successful. "All gay actors would have to out themselves (and only play gay roles.)" "This is not progress. This is the opposite. This is regression." He said "Steven Spielberg redid Westside Story and bent over backwards to respect ethnicities and pleased nobody." "Westside story was originally made by three gay Jews." The author was also Jewish who wrote about Puerto Ricans. Should the Jewish author have stayed in his lane and only written about Jews? My fear is directors, producers, investors will see these outraged "woke" Latinos telling people to boycott films because not everyone involved passed the DNA, ancestry and look test and not want to make any Latino, Black, Asian, Gay ... films. People argued about colorism and microethnicities in Westside Story. "Where are the darker Latinos, Afro Latinos, she got the role because she's lighter..." These outraged Latinos are shooting themselves in the foot. I wouldn't blame producers for intentionally not wanting to make any Latino films. He summed it up by saying "get rid of the prejudice but keep the roles."
Leguisamo has a Colombian tomi tattoo on his arm from the chibcha. Was he a member of that tribe? No. His indigenous relative was from the 1600's and worked with the Spaniards to control Colombia against the other indigenous people. Colombia was part of Spain with Bogota as the capital where Leguisamo's family had lived for years. Colombia didn't become independent until well after 1821. Leguisamo is descended from one of the early Spanish conquistadors, colonizers of Colombia. He's probably less indigenous than I am. His ancestors conquered and killed indigenous people. He is white. His parents are white. He is the light white Latino taking roles from darker indigenous Latinos that he complains about all the time. Most in Mexico and South America are descended from the Spaniards who conquered those areas. All of us Latinos live with this fact. We're mainly Spanish and not Aztec or Mayan. Leguisamo looks like a white European Spaniard because he is mainly Spanish. So am I. Based on the data in Franco and Leguisamo's trees, I would bet that Franco has more indigenous and other than Leguisamo.
08/11/2022 John Leguizamo is really off now. He posted this on Instagram. He now thinks roles for Spanish, Cuban characters should be given to Latin Americans of mixed race who are not descended from people in Europe. Guess whose ancestors are from Europe? John Leguizamo! So he shouldn't get any roles either. He's since added that white roles should be given to Latinos. So only Latinos can be actors now? I'll be posting his tree next. No need to post his tree. He's mainly Spanish. Finding Your Roots did a show on him. Talk about a hypocrite! He's no Latino! He's as "Latino" as James Franco!
FTR most people in Mexico are mainly European Spanish.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexicans#Population_genetics_&_phenotype The same goes for South America. All you "Latinos" are mainly European Spanish. Mexicans, Colombians, Spaniards all have the same ancestors. We're also all related by language, culture, food, religion...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_America#Ethnic_demographics This is not a Latino issue but an issue about some people not having the success they want in the entertainment industry demanding movie roles. As I've told my Latino friends and family for years especially since #oscarssowhite, you want a Latino movie with Latinos, go make it. Don't wait around ranting about others not giving you what you want.
James Leguizamo's ancestry. He lied about being Puerto Rican and Italian. Maybe he lied about being Italian to get the part of the fictional character in Super Mario Bros ;-) Even his father said he lied about being Puerto Rican. This man needs to sit down and shut up.
"Research by the genealogy show Finding Your Roots indicated that Leguizamo does not have Puerto Rican, Italian, and Lebanese ancestry, as he has sometimes stated.His family is Colombian, and a DNA test found that his genetic ancestry includes European (mostly Spanish), along with Indigenous and distant African roots.[1] His paternal grandfather was a wealthy Colombian landowner, and his great-great-grandfather,
Higinio Cualla, was Mayor of Bogotá for sixteen years in the late 1800s, and was considered an important modernizer of the city.[1] Leguizamo had always declared that he was Puerto Rican on his father's side, which was one of the reasons he was selected as the Puerto Rican Day Parade Global Ambassador of the Arts,[11] and marched in the parade on June 12, 2011.[12] Going further back in time, it was determined that Leguizamo's maternal lineage includes the 16th-century Spanish conquistador
Sebastián de Belalcázar, as well as Jerónimo Betuma, a 17th-century indigenous Colombian of noble birth."
Here's the video from the show where he's told he's Spanish. He knew he was Spanish. Even his father stated they weren't Puerto Rican but Colombian and Spanish. Gates even said Leguizamo was fabilizing about his ancestry and Leguizamo agreed. His true Spanish ancestors melted down the Aztec golden religious items and destroyed their history. His ancestry is anti Latino, anti Indigenous. This is from about January 2022 and aired February 15, 2022.
Luguizamo continued.
"Portuguese are not Latin nor are Spaniards they are white peoples from Europe! Latin people are from Latin America and the 90% r of us of mixed race! And That is why we are discriminated against!" Leguizamo is the white European he's whining about.
He went on to say, “I don’t got a prob with Franco but he ain’t Latino!” he wrote on social media.
On Saturday, Leguizamo posted a video to Instagram clarifying his comments.Stressing again that he had “no problems with James Franco”, he said: “I grew up in an era where Latin people couldn’t play Latin people on film. Where Charlton Heston played a Mexican, where Eli Wallach played Mexican, where Pacino played Cuban and Puerto Rican. Where Ben Affleck, even, in Argo, played a Latin guy and Marisa Tomei played Latin women.
“We couldn’t play our own roles. There was brown face, people painting themselves to look Latin in West Side Story, Eli Wallach in The Magnificent Seven. That’s the era I grew up in. The era where they tell you to change your names, stay out of the sun, that only white-passing Latinos would get jobs.”Explaining how he’d heard the excuse that there was “no Latin actor who can carry” big films, Leguizamo continued: “Yeah, because you’re never given the opportunity to play anything that had worthy value… Appropriating our stories? No more of that. I’m done with that.
“I’ve been told so many times, ‘you can’t have two Latin people in a movie’. That’s what goes on in this industry.”
Captioning the video, Leguizamo wrote: “Latin exclusion in Hollywood is real! Don’t get it twisted! Long long history of it! And appropriation of our stories even longer!y can’t Latinxers play Latin roles? Why can’t we play lead roles? Why can’t they flip white roles to Latin guys and gals?”
Here is the video. It's just a rant. Maybe he should make Latino movies and hire Latinos instead of just ranting. You can't just demand that other people make shows about you, for you and hire you for the roles. John has even played white people and Italians. He's a white passing Latino. Using his logic why didn't he give those roles to white people and Italians?
Clearly John Luguizamo is just ranting about his own treatment of Latinos in the past. It has nothing to do with this movie or role. This movie is like 99% Latino and he's attacking it. This would be a good reason for people not to do movies about or with Latinos. Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. Luguizamo is hurting his own cause. I now think he wanted the role or something.
John Leguizamo the mainly Spanish actor's family tree. I did this in an hour so it's not complete.
John Leguizamo family tree, John Alberto Leguizamo family tree,mother, father,brother, sister, spain, puerto rico,italian, mary cummins, genealogist, actor, basque, |
ORIGINAL: Recently there was a dust up by Latino actor John Leguizamo who said James Franco should not play Cuban Fidel Castro because Franco is not Latino. Leguizamo said only Latinos should play Latinos. One of the producers responded,
"The producer on the upcoming film Alina of Cuba, John Martinez O’Felan, has responded to the recent controversy regarding the casting of James Franco as Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro. In a statement provided to The Hollywood Reporter, O’Felan labeled the comments “culturally uneducated.”
“A guy like John Leguizamo has historically been looked up to by Hispanics as one of America’s earliest actors of Latin descent since the 90s and I’ve always admired him as a fellow underdog," O’Felan admitted. "But his comments are culturally uneducated and a blind attack with zero substance related to this project.”
O’Felan continued: “The reality of the ignorance piece falls within his statement suggesting his personal view on being ‘Latino,’ because a land mass or living area does not determine a person’s blood history or genetics."
O'Felan went on to say that the movie is about Latinos, produced by Latinos, directed by Latinos, has Latino actors, Latino subject matter, Latinos working behind the camera... My comment: Will Leguizamo only be satisfied if every single person involved is 100% Latino with a Latino name, family tree, DNA test, speaks Spanish as a first language...? We should be happy it's mainly Latino considering all the productions with absolutely no Latinos at all or non-Latinos in Latino character roles. FTR I'm Latino. Family name is Rivera. I probably wouldn't be Latino enough in the eyes of Laguizamo to work on the film even as a volunteer extra, crafts services or gofer.
I see a lot of Latinos commenting saying that "Latino" means someone from Latin America as if that's only North and South America. It's not. Here's a definition of Latin Americans which includes Portuguese. "Latin Americans do not take their nationality as an ethnicity, but identify themselves with a combination of their nationality, ethnicity and their ancestral origins. Aside from the Indigenous Amerindian population, all Latin Americans have some Old World ancestors who arrived since 1492. Latin America has the largest diasporas of Spaniards, Portuguese, Africans, Italians, Lebanese and Japanese in the world."
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin_Americans If these Latinos are from Mexico, most Mexicans today and their descendants are mainly descended from Spaniards and are not indigenous. Castro's father and ancestors were born in Galicia, Spain right next to Portugal. Galicia and Portugal were once the same country.
James Franco's paternal side "Franco" is Portuguese. The name "Franco" is Spanish and means "free," "free man" or "freedom." The name is found in Spain specifically Galicia, Portugal and Italy. Portuguese can be considered Latino because they speak a Latin language. Spanish and Portuguese are both Latin languages. They used to be the same language many years ago but the languages diverged. Spain and Portugal have been closely tied for a long time because they were once the same country. They are now right next to each other. Portugal and Spain both had colonies in South America. Portuguese later immigrated to North America and had early settlements. Portuguese were previously considered Hispanics in the US census even though they didn't speak Spanish. I don't have a problem recognizing Franco as a Latino. Plus, we're talking about an acting character. I think he'd make a great Fidel.
I did Fidel's tree. Link and image is at bottom of this post. Fidel Castro's family is from Galicia, Spain which borders Portugal. Portugal used to be part of what is now Galicia, Spain. Galicia had it's own language similar to Spanish but more similar to Portuguese called Galicia-Portuguese. They diverged when Portugal became independent from Galicia. Franco is probably related to Castro. Maybe that's why they look similar. Who the hell is anyone to say Franco can't play Castro because of a few people's definition or understanding of the word "Latino?"
Franco's family is from Madeira Island, Portugal. The original inhabitants in the 1400's were Portuguese who were descended mainly from Spaniards at that time. Spain ruled the island for many years. It's name "madeira" means "wood" or heavily forested as in "madera" which is Spanish for wood. If Franco were to post his DNA, you would see Spain and Portugal just like me. I can't find any Portuguese in my tree but my Mexican side of the family originally came from Galicia, Spain. Castro's daughter should also post her DNA report which I'm sure would be very similar to Francos.
Recently someone stated an unknown Latino should play Castro instead of Franco. If people want the movie to be seen, they need a bigger well known actor as a draw. You can't get financing, other actors, viewers, producers, directors...without a bigger name involved. Would they rather have a movie with 100% DNA certified Latino cast that no one watches or a 99% Latino cast that many people watch which gets awards and shares the Latino story? And this is why Hollywood is hesitant to hire some Latinos. Who would hire any if they will receive this type of treatment. This is beyond wokeness. It's shoot yourself in the foot craziness. It makes me think that Leguizamo made this stink because he's jealous and wanted the part.
James Franco,
James Edward Franco is an actor born in 1978 in California. James Franco is 1/4 Portuguese and 1/4 Swedish on his paternal side and 1/2 Russian Jewish from his maternal side. His parents are Douglas Franco 1948-2011 and Betsey Lou Verne 1947. His paternal grandparents were Daniel Franco 1925-1993 of Portuguese descent and Marjorie Jane Peterson 1926-2018 of Swedish descent. His paternal great grandparents were Daniel Franco born in Portugal 1886-1961, Eugenia Baptista born in Portugal 1891-1979, Claus Peterson 1898-1988 and Martha Louis Rehn 1898-1965 from Sweden.
James Franco's maternal grandparents were Daniel Verne 1921-1996 and Marjorie Levine 1922-2016. His maternal great grandparents were Carrol Verovitz 1891-1956 of Russian descent, Bessie Surad 1894-1978 of Russian descent, Judge Manuel Levine born in Russia 1880-1939, and Jessie Bialosky 1886-1972 of Russian descent.
Biographies, obituaries
Father Douglas Franco's pseudo obituary,
"Doug Franco, father of actor James Franco, died of a heart attack at the age of 63, according to The Daily Post, an independent, locally-owned Palo Alto and Mid-Peninsula paper. James’ mother Betsy Verne Franco, a children’s author, tweeted late last night:
“It is true that my sweet, generous husband passed away. He gave so much to his three sons and me, and to many other people, too.”
The 63-year old Franco worked in Silicon Valley, holding positions at IBM, HP and Xerox. He also founded Secure Box, a company that is developing a shipping container security device.
He was also charitable, starting Orchard International, a nonprofit that has sent $15 millions worth on medical supplies, food and clothing to those in need in Afghanistan, Ethiopia, India, Iraq and the Phillipines. It has also provided aid to Native American and migrant communities in California."
Paternal grandfather Daniel Franco Jr,
"FRANCO Daniel Franco. Jr.. age 68, of Glencoe, beloved husband of Marjorie, nee Peterson; loving father of Douglas (Betsy), Joyce (Glenn) Magnus and Peter John Franco; dear grandfather of Teddy, Tommy and David Franco, Elizabeth and Daniel Magnus; fond brother of Beatrice Hargraves; former principal of Lincoln Elementary School, Oak Park, IL. Interment at Memorial Park Cemetery. In lieu ot flowers contributions to the American Cancer Society appreciated."
Paternal grandmother Marjorie Peterson Franco,
"Marjorie Franco nee Peterson, age 92, of Lincolnwood and formerly of Glencoe, IL. Beloved wife of the late Daniel Franco, Jr. Loving mother of Joyce (Glenn) Magnus, Peter Franco, and the late Douglas (Betsy) Franco. Proud grand- mother of Elizabeth and Daniel (Maggie) Magnus; Ted, Thomas, and David Franco. Dear sister of the late Lucille (the late Vic) Adams and the late Rehn (the late Martha) Peterson. Fond aunt of five nieces and nephews. Interment private Memorial Park Cemetery, Skokie, IL. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to American Cancer Society."
Paternal great grandfather Daniel Franco Sr. He was a decorating painter per the census.
"Franco. Daniel Franco, of 102 Glencoe road, Glencoe, beloved husband of Eugenia: fond father of Mrs. Beatrice Hargraves and Daniel Franco Jr.; five grandchildren. Resting at Robert V. Wilson chapel. Linden avenue at Tower road. Winnetka, after 3 p.m.. Tuesday. Services Wednesday. Oct 25, at 2 p. m. Interment Memorial Park cemetery. HI 6-3436."
Mother Betsy Verne's biography,
"Betsy Verne majored in painting at Stanford, where she met her future husband, a math major who also excelled in painting. (After graduation, Doug Franco, '70, got a master's degree in business from Harvard. He runs a nonprofit agency that helps women and children in Third World countries and a company called Secure Box, which is developing a security device for shipping containers.) In the early years, Betsy Franco juggled jobs that included "answering customer complaints for Ma Bell" and teaching elementary school. "But with three very adorable, rambunctious young sons in the house, I couldn't even set up my paints," she recalls. "I knew that I needed to find something creative to do, or I would wither." So she deliberately tried another form of expression. "I reasoned that writing would be simpler with young children because all I would need was a pencil."
Maternal grandmother Mitzie Levine Verne.
"MITZIE R. VERNE (nee Levine), beloved wife of the late Dr. Daniel Verne. Loving mother of Betsy (Douglas, deceased) Franco, Heidi (Hari Kaur) (Sat Sangat Singh) Khalsa and Michael Verne. Devoted grandmother of Brian and Kevin Verne, James, Tom and Dave Franco and Bandi Chorh Sing Khalsa. Dear sister of the late Bob and Alfred Levine. Services will be held Tuesday, May 3 at 2:30 p.m. at the ANSHE CHESED FAIRMOUNT TEMPLE, 23737 Fairmount Blvd., Beachwood, OH. Interment Mayfield Cemetery. Friends who wish may contribute to the Case Western Reserve University - Asian Studies Program or the Cleveland Museum of Art."
Maternal great grandfather Judge Manuel Levin from the Ohio encyclopedia.
"LEVINE, MANUEL V. (25 May 1881-6 May 1939), lawyer and judge, was born in Vilna, Russia, to David J. and Michelle (Corban) Levine. He immigrated to Cleveland in 1897 and was a star alumnus of the English-language and naturalization classes at HIRAM HOUSE. Levine graduated from Western Reserve University Law School with the LL.B. degree and was admitted to the Ohio bar in June 1902. Appointed assistant police prosecutor and assistant solicitor to NEWTON D. BAKER in May 1903, Levine targeted employment offices that bled foreigners seeking their first jobs of a large portion of their wages. Very much aware of the necessity for immigrants to learn English, he taught evening naturalization and English classes at Hiram House. Levine was elected police judge in 1908, municipal judge in 1911, and common pleas court judge in 1914, with reelection in 1920. In 1923, he became a judge on the Ohio Court of Appeals, twice selected as chief justice. As a judge, Levine displayed understanding, great sympathy, and empathy for those in distress. His philosophy was to place human rights above property rights, and he sought to guard the individual against any unlawful intrusions. Levine seldom hesitated to strike out against social conditions he saw as breeding grounds for CRIME. He instituted the Domestic Relations Bureau in common pleas court, established the state's first probation department, and pioneered court-sponsored domestic conciliation efforts. Levine married Jessie Bialosky in Mar. 1910 and had 3 children, Robt. M., Alfred D., and Mitzi. Levine was buried in the Mayfield Jewish Cemetery."
Fidel Castro tree which I made for Geneastar.
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