Saturday, November 2, 2024

What does Dia de Muertos, Day of the Dead Mean to Me as a Latina in the US by Mary Cummins, Maria Rivera

What does today November 2 Dia de los Muertos mean to me? My grandmother was born in Mexico City, Mexico in 1899. She raised me and was my mother, father and all grandparents combined. As Catholics her family honored All Souls day and would go to church for mass then visit the cemetery to care for the graves of their dearly departed. There was no big Catrina culture or Dia de Muertos festivals or parades at that time. Dia de Muertos was originally celebrated more in southern Mexico. It's been more recently popularized and amplified for tourism and commerce.

Growing up Roman Catholic with Mexican heritage our family honored All Souls day here in Los Angeles, California. We would go to church for mass and say a rosary for our loved ones who had passed. Dia de Muertos for my family was a day of honoring our deceased family members. My Nana would talk fondly about her father and siblings. Her mother died when she was 1.5 years old, father died when she was 12. She'd tell me stories about her siblings who were my Aunt Katie and Uncles Luis, Albert and Joe.

My nana is long gone today having died over 30 years ago. I've since been involved in Dia de Muerto festivals, parades and Catrina culture exploring my Latinidad and Mexican roots. Today I sometimes visit my Nana's grave in San Diego, California. I also visit her brother Albert's grave while I'm there. I'm not driving to San Diego because of car issues and cost of gas this year. I will just fondly remember my Nana and her siblings. May they rest in peace. Q.E.P.D. Here are some photos from when I visited her grave two years ago on Dia de Muertos.
#dayofthedead #diadelosmuertos #ddlm #diademuertos #mexico #losangeles #california #marycummins #mariarivera #qepd

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