Mary Cummins family tree, ancestry, DNA, heritage, genealogy, ethnicity, irish, english, spanish, latino, Los Angeles, California, Mexico, Spain, Germany, France, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, sibling, sister, brother, children, grandparents, parents, dead, alive, Julie, Juliette, Cummins, Hill, Rivera, Baz, Olvera, Valera, Vazquez, Rosas, Cobb, Badders, Kyle, Morris, Burns, Walton, McCormick |
I will be posting a summary of my family tree here along with the most basic version. This is for family and friends who can't access the sites where my tree is located. There is no information on living people. I'll also post a few graphics and other basic information.
My current tree contains 10,000+ people from the 15th century to the present in the US, Spain, France, England, Germany, Ireland ...
The most common last names in my tree in order of frequency are below.
Teegarden, Cobb, Cummins, Schott, Truman, Burns, Cummings, McKown, Murrell, McCollum, Bayless, Walton, Thigpen, Amado, Hill, Bible, Bowers, Daughtridge, Wood, White, Bass, Parker, Scott, Bagwell and Hall.
The most common places for my family in order of frequency.
Edgecombe (county in Alabama), Bibb (city in Alabama), Cedar Grove (city in Alabama) Isle of Wight County (Virginia), Jefferson (Alabama), San Antonio (Texas), Mexico, Houston (Texas), Harris County (Texas), Anson, Virginia, Pitt, Wake County, Bertie.
Below are ethnicity estimates from Ancestry and 23andme. "Ethnicity estimates" is misleading. It generally reflects the percent likelihood one is from a certain region. For instance the below diagram shows my "ethnicity estimate" is 49% England, Wales and Northwestern Europe. This means there is a 49% chance that my ancestors lived in and came from those physical places. It does not mean that I'm 49% English.
23andme.com Mary Cummins family tree, ancestry, DNA, heritage, genealogy, ethnicity, irish, english, spanish, latino, Los Angeles, California, Mexico, Spain, Germany, France, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, sibling, sister, brother, children, grandparents, parents, dead, alive, Julie, Juliette, Cummins, Hill, Rivera, Baz, Olvera, Valera, Vazquez, Rosas, Cobb, Badders, Kyle, Morris, Burns, Walton, McCormick |
Ancestry.com Mary Cummins family tree, ancestry, DNA, heritage, genealogy, ethnicity, irish, english, spanish, latino, Los Angeles, California, Mexico, Spain, Germany, France, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, sibling, sister, brother, children, grandparents, parents, dead, alive, Julie, Juliette, Cummins, Hill, Rivera, Baz, Olvera, Valera, Vazquez, Rosas, Cobb, Badders, Kyle, Morris, Burns, Walton, McCormick |
Ancestry.com Mary Cummins family tree, ancestry, DNA, heritage, genealogy, ethnicity, irish, english, spanish, latino, Los Angeles, California, Mexico, Spain, Germany, France, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, sibling, sister, brother, children, grandparents, parents, dead, alive, Julie, Juliette, Cummins, Hill, Rivera, Baz, Olvera, Valera, Vazquez, Rosas, Cobb, Badders, Kyle, Morris, Burns, Walton, McCormick |
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